
We know that as providers, you witness first-hand how scary trauma can be for youth.  Storiez training and resources support you in helping youth feel more empowered, connected, and hopeful. We have trained over 8,000 people across our programs. Providers have used our resources in communities, schools, hospitals, mental health facilities, and prisons.

We believe in the power of narratives to support youth in transitioning from a place of defeat to a place of hope.  Based in three foundational ideas- "create," "voice," and "honor"- our tools can assist you as you guide youth through their transformative journey.

Step 1

Consider your needs

Step 2

Choose a training program

Step 3

Share with youth


Learn about the importance of creativity, voice, and honor in the Storiez process.

Many factors distinguish Storiez from other interventions. Check out this video for specific factors that differentiate Storiez from other trauma-informed approaches.

This video features a portion of Dr. Meagan Corrado's keynote presentation, "Healing through Storiez: A Therapeutic Approach," during the 5/5/18 conference at UPenn.


Purchase books and other trauma-informed resources


Participate in one of our training or events


Learn about the impact of Storiez in diverse settings


Learn about trauma, resilience, and narratives